5 Things You Can Do in Place of Traveling

Are you reminiscing about the next time you’ll hear the soothing sounds of “This is your captain speaking”? I know I can’t wait for to feel the first thrust when the airplane lands, or even hearing the clapping of passengers Just know that you are not alone, the travel withdrawals are real. During these times of complete uncertainty (can we get a sign), coming up with ways to cope has been running low. It is now, what? Going on month 2 of the state mandated stay home order and like many people I have to regroup my patience. Here are things you can do while your plane is grounded.


The best part of meditation is that it can be donee pretty much anywhere. The most important tool that is needed is simply, your body.


Join a Facebook group

I have always been in a few travel Facebook groups, but since this shift, I have been catching up on them more often. There are groups for everything that you love, from Black Women Travel, to Traveling Singles. It is a good time to get advice and inspo for your future travels.

read a book

What better way to ignite your imagination than reading a book. A detailed author will pull into the setting of their work. A cheerful, optimistic read is sure to get you in a positive mood during this lockdown.


Cook International Food

Wishing you were in the Amalfi Coast? Or is Jamaica is calling you? Try experimenting in the kitchen with some international cuisine. If you’re up for a challenge I recommend making some of the ingredients from scratch.

Expand Your Knowledge

As Charlie Chaplin said “a day not learning is a day wasted”. From slowly learning a new language, to free courses that many colleges are offering, the possibilities are endless. Learning doesn’t always have to be tactical. Learning a simple skill like how to plant counts too.


What else can you think we do in place of travel?

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