5 reasons why I prefer ✨VINTAGE✨ over NEW items.


In today’s efforts to combat overconsumption and become more sustainable, a lot of people are turning to vintage and pre-owned items. This isn’t something that is new for me, as I literally shop anywhere that sells clothes. However, when making certain purchases I do find it more valuable to be to go the vintage route. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Quality - with fast fashion taking over, even big designers are being cheap with materials and overall quality.

2. Price - along with better quality, you will usually end up paying a fraction of what it would cost today due to inflation.

3. Rare - items are not on the market anymore, so the likelihood of someone to be rocking the same thing you have on is slim to none.

4. Conscious - overconsumption is disgusting and it’s becoming impossible to recycle clothing. Shopping pre-owned is better for the environment.

5. Classic - everything repeats itself, including fashion. Classic items never go out of style. There’s no need to worry about being “trendy”

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