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A Day In Luxor: Photo Diary

Currency: Egyptian Pound

Visa: On Arrival $25

Language: Arabic

$1 = 18 EP

Visits: 1

Visit Again? No

Egypt was very exhausting, luckily when we got to Luxor we knew what we were in for. A cab driver tried to charge us 100 pounds for a 6 minute ride. I called him out and argue with him that my husband is Egyptian (a lie, I’m not married lol) and that we visit all the time and that is not the correct price. We got the ride for 20 pounds. We ended up meeting some locals and they pretty much told us the “Egyptian” prices for things which was about a quarter of what we were paying for everything. That instantly got us upset and couldn’t WAIT to leave the country. 

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When staying in Luxor I would suggest staying in the East bank, though the West Bank is beautiful and have more attractions. The East bank is an easy commute to the train or airport. The only way to the West Bank is my boat and that’s a bit much with luggage. It is easier to take the quick boat ride across the Nile during the day to your attractions, my opinion. Luxor is such a historical city. I would recommend 2-3 days here so that you can take your time. I was so over Egypt that I only spent a full day here and was satisfied. Here are a few of my own highlights from my day. I have included the prices as well.


Dress: Fashinnova

Head scarf: Local Stand in Egypt ($3)

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Skirt & Top: Nasty gal

Sandals: Gucci

Hat: Urban Outfitters

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Prices are in Egyptian pounds and rounded to the nearest U.S. dollar

Taxi for the day: 500 pounds $28 (over priced, should be no more that $10


Hot Air Balloon: 700 pounds ($40) (haggled for this price the day before, could’ve got it for less)

Karnak Temple: 150 EP ($9)

Hatshepsut Temple: 100 EP ($6), 20 EP ($1) for optional shuttle)

Valley of the Kings: 200 pounds ($11), you can see up to 3 temples

(Extra 100 pounds for pics, extra 250 pounds for King Tut’s tomb)


Luxor Temple: 140 EP ($8)

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Have you ever been to Egypt?