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Icelandic Sviõ, better know as Sheep’s Head

Myrin Mathus, Traditional


Everyone knows I will pretty much try most things (not everything lol), me eating a sheep’s head should be no surprise.  

Sviõ is a traditional Icelandic dish. It being traditional is what drew my attention. When I travel to different places, I love trying their native dish to make me feel like down with the culture haha. So I decided to drive my little rental car to Myrin Mathus to give it a try.

Sviõ consists of a sheep’s head cut in half, singed to remove the fur, and boiled with the brain removed. Served with scoops of mashed potatoes and turnip. Svið is another throwback to older times when no part of the animal was allowed to go to waste. Apparently they also make jelly out the sheep’s head as well. THAT I did not get a chance to try. 

Now before you start to judge me, understand a lamb is a sheep that is 12 months or less. So a sheep is an adult lamb, who doesn’t love lamb chops or lamb over rice from the halal stands? So I am pretty much eating a sense. Sort of. However it tasted nothing like lamb, I don’t mean that in a negative way! The skin taste like oxtail, fatty and slightly meaty. The inner part tasted just like chicken. It actually was delicious, but to look at the sheep’s head was a little heartbreaking. Poor sheep, but you’re hitting the spot right now. 

It was not much flavor, I am not surprised that Icelanders would be afraid of seasoning. If it was cooked in a brown stew or jerk sauce (I know I know, my West Indian traits showing) it would’ve been an A1 dish. This was my favorite dish while in Iceland and one that was actually worth the money. Everything being ridiculously expensive was turning me off and giving me a bad experience.

Want to know what I consider expensive? I had a burger, not even gourmet, with fries and drink that set me back $25. Just UNETHICAL if you ask me! With that being said I’ll give this dish a 4 out of 5, because if I made it I would add more flavor. It was actually good to my surprise, it just lacked flavor and seasoning. If you’re ever in Iceland and daring, go check out Myrin Mathus and try it for yourself. Bon- Apple- Teeth! 

What is the strangest food that you’ve ate?

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